About us

Following the global pandemic and lockdowns of 2020, Name Radiance was founded in January 2021 by 3 e-commerce and content site owners with the goal of bringing traditional brick and mortar businesses into the online space.

Though the rise of e-commerce nabbing market share from traditional retailers had started long before 2020, the lockdowns were a major shock to brick and mortar businesses as it took many retailers from a healthy income to 0 overnight with no solution to replace their lost income.

As you might expect, many businesses popped up at the time offering to help businesses get online for the first time, sadly many were fly-by-night ripoffs. Our team endeavored to help as many businesses with little tech knowledge not only get online but be competitive with their multinational competitors.

As to why we’re so confident of our abilities, our services have all been optimized for maximum value and performance over many years of running our own businesses. Unlike a lot of agencies, we are small business owners ourselves and understand the limitations you face on a daily basis. Although small businesses can’t compete with large corporations on logistics, a fast website puts you on a level playing field with them when it comes to greeting potential customers.